Drink diet 30 days to lose weight

Most obese people have a distended stomach, which tightens quickly after digesting food, causing an even greater appetite. I want to eat again, the stomach increases in size again, and after each meal, the circle closes and becomes, oh, how difficult it is to get out of it. However, even a very distended stomach is not a reason to go through a surgical scalpel. A 30-day heavy drinking diet is a good way to learn to fill up on less food as a result of stomach constriction and lose up to ten extra pounds.

What is a drinking diet?

This weight loss technique is a liquid nutritional system, but it is not the same as a water diet, water fasting therapy, or short-term fluid flush. The diet to drink for a month does not impose an absolute taboo on solid food, it implies the transfer of all allowed products to another form - liquid, therefore the motto of the system is: drink everything that is drunk, but noteat crumbs (more precisely, do not chew, because this system completely excludes the inclusion of a chewing reflex, which a person is gifted by nature).


characteristics of compliance with a drinking diet

Drinking diet for 30 days is a powerful metabolism stimulant, because such a low caloric content of the daily diet (approximately 500 kcal) causes the body to break down fat cells more quickly as a source of energy and lose weightconstantly. Basic principles of the liquid technique:

  • In order not to cause significant harm to health and not to slow down the metabolism instead of speeding it up, you need to get in and out of the drinking system smoothly.
  • At the beginning of losing weight on a drinking diet, replace dinner with liquid, then lunch, and breakfast.
  • All diet drinks should be low in fat and sugar free.
  • The daily fluid intake is 1. 5 liters of liquid food plus 1. 5 liters of clean water.
  • The allowed amount of watered down food should be intelligently divided into fractional portions, no more than one glass of food at a time.
  • You can practice the technique only once a year.


If you strictly follow the rules of the liquid method, the result in weight loss will not be long in coming. No nutritionist will be able to predict what it will be like for you personally, because it depends solely on the individual characteristics of your body. As a general rule, if you look at the drinking food system, you are consuming 2 to 2. 5 kg of fat per week, so 8 to 10 kg can be lost in a month. However, the result obtained must be well and reliably so that the lost kilograms do not instantly return to your noticeably slimmer figure, perhaps even very slim.


contraindications to adherence to a drinking diet

The low calorie content of the daily liquid diet, so there is a decrease in the size of the stomach and a smooth loss of weight, is also its main disadvantage. Food cannot be called balanced, because not all food can be turned into liquid, so the body may lack one group of nutrients and the other may be too much. This is the basis of the contraindications for the passage of the liquid technique for 30 days. You can not eat exclusively liquid for people:

  • pregnant and nursing;
  • with kidney problems and prone to edema;
  • suffers from serious ailments of the digestive tract;
  • suffers from diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system;
  • in a state of mental or physical exhaustion, with a severely weakened immune system.

Menu for 30 days

This method of losing weight almost does not limit the list of products (for the sole benefit of the body, it is better to refuse coffee, alcoholic and carbonated beverages), but only their consistency, therefore, it should be based on the followinglist on your daily menu on a liquid diet:

  • Meat and fish broths, vegetable broths.
  • Fruit compotes, red fruit drinks, gelatin.
  • All kinds of juices.
  • Tea (black, green, hibiscus, herbal).
  • Milk, low calorie fermented dairy products (kefir, yogurt, sourdough, fermented baked milk).
  • Liquid soups (meat, vegetables, milk).

Stop the drinking diet

how to get off the drinking diet

In 30 days with just drinks, the digestive tract "forgets" how to digest solid foods, so the sudden transition from liquid to thick foods can cause serious problems in the digestive tract. To avoid unpleasant consequences and, at the same time, consolidate the obtained result, the exit from the drinking diet for 30 days should be as smooth as possible and calculated for 2 months. For the first week after completing the diet, add one solid product at a time to one of the meals (oatmeal in water, an egg, or vegetable salad), and then gradually expand the diet to within the framework of normal nutrition.


The diet of drinking for 30 days is considered the simplest, even elementary in terms of culinary skills and efforts. Most approved diet foods can simply be bought from the store or made in minutes, and making liquid soups shouldn't be too difficult either. Since this food system does not have a clear menu, everyone can have their own recipes based on the liquid method, depending on personal gastronomic preferences.

How not to break the drinking diet

Breakdowns are a common occurrence in such a severe dietary restriction, because many people find it difficult to overcome the urge to chew something. To avoid interruptions, you need:

  • clearly motivate yourself for success;
  • if you really want something solid, you can chew on any fruit or vegetable and then spit it out;
  • you can also try chewing liquid;
  • to satisfy hunger with water;
  • keep busy with something interesting all the time to distract yourself from thoughts about food.