With the effect of boomerang-familiar to many women. In 80% of cases of reinitialization weight back, often damaging with an incremental extra pounds, which is very unpleasant, painful, can cause stress and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is important to find, secure, and reliable. Effective diet for weight loss not only help you lose weight, but to maintain the results, ideally, in order to regain health. Which of them to choose from, each one must determine for himself.
It is a good diet is not a quick
Quickly lose weight all women want, but few people think of the consequences. There is a diet that the pounds don't just "disappear", and even "fleeing". The person loses weight, the volume, but the body does not have time for abrupt changes. Accordingly, it is distorting the health, the initial mass, it can result in the closure of the internal organs. It is the most effective for the slimming diet is a methodology that helps to restore the weight without harm to health.
Common errors to lose weight people:
- The reduction of calories before critical variables. The woman's body cannot function properly when it receives 600-800 kcal per day. The minimum number of 1200 kcal. Yes, the weight decreases rapidly, but in case of deficit of energy in a short time, it is expected a stagnation, the body will begin to operate in the power saving mode.
- The exclusion of fats. You can say a cabbage or drinking the fat from the kefir. The weight will go, but along with him will start to drop the hair, spoiled nail, problems appear with the skin will result in an error of the female cycle. The minimum amount of fat in the day - 22nd year
- The resignation of the delicious food. Complete the limit favorite dishes leads to breakdowns. If you manage hard to overcome the diet until the end, after resisting, it will be difficult. It is necessary to change the eating behaviour and allowed by the system of products for preparing delicious dishes.
Many interferes with the morality of torture. For weight loss even more effective little diet. Women are spoils the mood, appear headaches, weakness. You can not take the diet as a tragedy or deprivation. That is a joyful path to the slenderness and the shape of the dreams, easy, and desired.
The diet of kim Protasova, or Potasovka
This is one of the effective and proven of the years of the diets, which not only allows you to lose weight, but it also has a lot of advantages. After "Potasovki" it is easy to go to a proper nutrition, the weight will continue to decline, will exchange views on the food and flavors. In this system, it employs a lot of raw vegetables, which leads to the cleaning of the intestine, improves the condition of the skin, is sample of water from the body.
The essence of the diet of kim Protasova:
- The first 2 weeks use every day, to 1400 g of raw vegetables, 3 green apples, 1 egg, and 600 g of fermented foods, around 5% fat.
- 3 to 5 a week, in place of 300 g of dairy products uses the same amount of meat, poultry, fish or seafood. Selected conservative ways of cooking without oil.
- Throughout the diet should drink at least 2 litres of water, which increases the action of vegetables, fiber, contribute to the purification of the body, the reduction of weight.
- Potasovka has a duration of 5 weeks, but nutritionists recommend "the exit", which for the duration will be equal to the diet. Each week we will add new products: grains, wines, dried fruits, steamed veggies. In these 5 weeks, it continues to the weight loss.
Only the diet can restore from 5 to 15 kg, it All depends on the initial data. Very well be volumes. You may not use the methodology most 1 time in 6 months, it is best to do an annual leave, for which the agency has managed to recover.
Contraindications: gastrointestinal disease, pregnancy, period of lactation.
Interesting: kim navarro – a false name, and a nutritionist does not exist. This alias picked up a journalist of a magazine in the decade of the 90's of the last century, which published popular up to now, the methodology.
The diet for the lazy
It is more effective for, a secure diet that has become popular recently. About what you can not drink after a meal, you know a lot of people. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, inhibits digestion, which prevents absorption of nutrients. Why not use this information! With the right approach to the consumption of liquid weight is going to disappear quickly, without any kind of effort and damage to the body.
The essence of the diet for the lazy people:
- All the water is taken between before eating. 20 minutes before the main meal and right after waking up necessarily employs 400 ml of liquid.
- After eating, the rules can not drink 2 hours or less one hour, if used in light dishes. During this time you need to digest.
- For weight loss effective it is desirable to exclude calorie, fatty, sweet and is not for 3 hours before bedtime.
The trick not only speed up the digestion of food. The water fills the stomach, the portion unintentionally is reduced, which reduces the days of calories. It also makes impossible the consumption of salt, sweets, as well as withstand 2 hours without drinking, it will be difficult. At the time of the diet it is worth to forget a cup of coffee with candy or a piece of cake. In addition we can eat only through certain rules of time.
The diet of buckwheat
Other more is a good diet, the duration of which can be adjusted independently, but taking into account the basic rules. The basis of the diet – buckwheat porridge, cooked in water, without salt or with a minimum amount. The main product that's accessible, useful, helps to purify the body, well saturated, suppresses the sensation of hunger. But the choice of this system should only the people who really love the buckwheat.
The essence of wheat from the diet and types:
- The system 1-3 days. In fact, it is the discharge point of the diet. During all the time that is used porridge without salt. The body removes excess fluid, reduce the volume, cleans the intestine, normalizes chair.
- The weekly schedule of the diet. The options are many. To buckwheat can add the green apples, kefir, vegetables with low starch content. This system is transferred more easy.
- The diet of buckwheat in 14 days. In addition to the purification and the output of excess fluid, in this system reduces the amount of fat in the body. The mess, add the vegetables along with the dairy products and apples, into some of the options is the chicken breast.
The loss of weight is directly dependent on the duration of the methodology selected. For 1-3 days to get rid of excess fat is not going to work, it will disappear only by water, but this can be a good start for weight loss or to verify the adequacy of the system. In 2 weeks it is easy to lose 4 to 7 kg with a competent return to the normality of the nutrition is not re-is a player.
Contraindications: pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the beriberi, the intolerance of the product.
The Dukan Diet
One of the proteins of the diets, which in the short-term aid to lose large amount of weight. This system is suitable only absolutely healthy people who are willing to meet all the requirements and do not deviate from the rules. The procedure is based on the biochemical processes in the body. Any small offense can reduce the effectiveness, to slow down to lose weight, make damage.
The system of 4 steps in a clear sequence and duration of the stay. All calculations can be produced in the official web site. Mandatory ingredient of the diet throughout the diet is the oat bran. From the second stage you can add the flower, and rye fiber, but according to the permitted by the rules.
The essence of the phases of the Dukan diet:
- An attack. Short stage with a duration of up to 7 days, is calculated individually. On the basis of the diet 72 protein product. This stage is counted in the loss of fluid and increased motivation, you can take up to 3 to 5 kg of excess weight.
- The rotation. The main phase of the diet, in which occurs the burning of fat. The symptoms are added 28 species of non-starchy vegetables in their composition, the alternate day. The duration of this period can last from several weeks up to a year or even more, until you get the desired weight.
- Fixation. Main in the diet, is added to the bread, fruit, cheese. This period allows you to go to the normal feed. The duration is determined by the formula: 10 days to 1 kg of weight.
- Stabilization. One day per week – protein Thursday. Respecting the diet of the first phase. In addition to daily consume bran.
Throughout the period of the diet you should drink vitamins. Allowed the use of sugar substitutes, natural or synthetic composition. There is no fruit, all dairy products should be low in fat, such as meat. This is one of the few diets that allows you consume sausages, crab sticks, sticks, canned food, but all products must comply with this requirement of the diet, not having in the composition of the prohibited spices, sugar, difficult to overcome a certain threshold of fat.
Important! In the diet of many subtleties and nuances, the system requires a detailed study. Pierre Dukan strongly recommends reading his book, that brings clarity. Also become familiar with the system can be in the official website.
Contraindications: chronic diseases and organ systems, periods of pregnancy and lactation, lactose intolerance, hormonal disorders, childhood and old age. This diet requires mandatory consultation with the doctor.
The kefir diet
This diet will help you to get rid of weight very quickly, is used by many famous people. In just one week that you can get rid of 5 kg, But there are also many other options, different durations. You can always "try" the diet, making the download of a day in the yogurt.
The essence of kefir diet:
- The basis of the diet – the kefir medium or low in fat, but not more than 2%. In the day should consume 1 to 2 liters.
- Power split, it cannot be at the same time enjoy of 0.5 liters kislomolochnogo of the product, it is desirable to employ for the vessel through each of 2-2,5 hours.
- It is important to drink water, as well as the kefir is a diuretic, removes excess fluid, reservations must be completed.
In addition to the classical kefir diet, there are other options with the addition of the apples, the cheese, buckwheat, vegetables or different fruits. They all have their own rules, they differ in the duration of the stay. Long system are included in the diet of most products, the more brief of the methodology of up to 5-7 days.
Contra-indications: increased acidity of the stomach and diseases of the digestive system, rickets, rheumatism, gout, the intolerance of the finger, children's age, pregnancy and lactation.
By changing the diet to a side of healthy eating, increased intake of food rich slow (complex) carbohydrates, vegetable fibers, dried fruit, you may receive the discomfort on the part gastrointestinal: flatulence (bloating). This is related to the fact that whole grains, legumes, vegetables of the culture is the foundation of a healthy diet are rich trudnosmyvaemye oligosaccharides. Contains alpha-the galactosidase enzyme of the division of complex carbohydrates to the lungs to the learning of the monosaccharides. The dosage depends on the amount of food, thanks to that it is easy to normalize the digestion as in the time of snack, and when mainly to the ingestion of food.
The secrets of easy diet
Any diet will be more easy and more interesting, if you find your method. Essential to the success of a study to be careful of the rules and to the letter. Of great importance is the motivation. If you have one, and really strong, the feeling of hunger go away, the temptation to break the diet, not, the pounds will disappear quickly, easily and forever.
Of the attendees, and the secrets:
- The water. You want to say – drink water. Heard this a lot of people, but use the same units. Is the fluid helps to deal with hunger, facilitates and accelerates weight loss.
- Vitamins. Are necessary not only for the conservation of the beauty and the health, but also to eliminate the hunger. If something in the body is not enough, you are going to order food.
- The movement. It is an easy way to get rid of the feeling of hunger or eat something forbidden. The first time that the same desire "to sin," it is necessary to do squats at least 50 times. Or have fun, a 5-minute rope.
A necessary step in any weight loss program nutritionists consider that the purification of sorbents. He is active absorbs only the harmful impurities and toxins, in abundance, that work in the blood from the breakdown of body fat. Precisely, these toxins cause specific diet nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, disorders of the chair, the tarnishing of the skin, the appearance in it of acne and blemishes. This sorbent well fills the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety, it absorbs the excess of gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their effect of irritation in the stomach wall. Let's say your reception long of change unlike other sorbents.
The way the harmony may be heavy or light. The man determines his own path, much depends only of us.