If you need to lose weight, you need to know how to do it correctly. You can lose weight quickly without dieting at home, but it is important not to harm your body and not regain weight after losing weight.
13 November 2023
How to lose weight by 7 kg in 5-10 days, diets: with water and with bread, grapefruit, green tea, granny, buckwheat, without salt, kefir, vegetables. Sport activities.
20 May 2021
Diet for gastritis: basic dietary rules, allowed and prohibited foods, rules for making menus, a menu for a week with recipes during an exacerbation, a diet with low acidity of the stomach.
27 November 2020
Nutrition guide. The Complete Guide to Healthy Eating. Basics and rules of a healthy diet, how many calories should I eat per day? A Healthy Food Planning Guide for Beginners.
19 October 2020